1. Watch How to overcome chronic pain, Mind Body Syndrome/Tension Myoneural Syndrome and a 20/20 news program.
2. Read at least three from this list: Unlearn Your Pain, Chapter One of The Brain’s Way of Healing, Science Behind Methods for Retraining your Brain away from Chronic Pain, Healing Back Pain, The Mind-Body Prescription, The Divided Mind
3. Practice warming your hands to 95 degrees three times a day for three weeks thus developing the power of your mind to take control of undesirable brain activity that causes stress and chronic pain. You can use a stand-alone thermometer, or a wireless one that sends the temperature to your cell phone. (If you do use this very inexpensive bluetooth thermometer, go to the Apple or Android store and download the app “Temp Sitter”, which will display the temperature). You may find that it is easy for you to warm your hands by just holding the probe between your fingers or the device between your hand and leg or table, relaxing your hands and arms, and saying phrases like: “My arms and legs are heavy and warm”. “My heartbeat is calm and regular”. If you want more help you can find it here.
Disclaimer: Though everyone who has started this program has reduced or totally eliminated their chronic pain before they even finish it (so far), they have all interacted face to face with me. So it is not yet clear if online alone is enough. If you complete this program, please let me know your experience by emailing me at paulkhansma@gmail.com.