
This site's design was created by Alex Lau (as Systems Administrator) and its content arranged and written by Simcha Frieda Udwin (as Lab Manager), under the direction of Paul Hansma. Subsequent modifications have been made by Dan Bridges. Almost all of the images on this site are taken from published or "in press" scientific papers created by our group members; others are from published scientific papers that we reference within the site. Please also note that all papers otherwise cited in this website are papers on which our group members were either primary or co-authors, unless otherwise noted.

Our work is currently supported by:

Award GM65354, "Single-molecule pullers with improved force resolution and speed" The aim of this four-year NIH R01 project is to improve the performance and sensitivity of Atomic Force Microscopes specialized for single-molecule force spectroscopy.

The NASA University Research, Engineering and Technology Institute on Bio-inspired Materials, Award No. NCC-1-02037 - the Paul Hansma Group's particular project in this multi-university collaboration is titled: "Synthetic Self-Healing Structural Materials". The Biologically Inspired Materials Institute (BIMat) was established by NASA under the University Research, Engineering and Technology Institute (URETI) program in August 2002, after competing proposals from researchers around the country. The principal goal for BIMat researchers is to develop bio-nanotechnology materials and structures for aerospace vehicles. The team combines the talents from five of the nation's leading research universities and institutions - UCSB, Princeton, the National Institute of Aerospace, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Northwestern University - to advance biomolecular and biomimetic materials design, synthesis, and processing. Please visit for more information.

Research Agreement #SB030071, ""Moving Cantilever Microscope".